The verdict: Carrying the cachet that comes with an Audi badge, the Q4 e-Tron family of electric SUVs do very little poorly or foolishly and are a “normal” option for shoppers who aren’t as daring as some EV early adopters.

The verdict: Carrying the cachet that comes with an Audi badge, the Q4 e-Tron family of electric SUVs do very little poorly or foolishly and are a “normal” option for shoppers who aren’t as daring as some EV early adopters.
The verdict: The EQS SUV solves a few of the EQS Sedan’s foibles, providing a stunning new entry into the electric luxury crossover field.
Versus the competition: The EQS is far more opulent and sophisticated than anything by Tesla, but its mission of elegance and silent transportation is the EQS SUV’s goal, not athleticism like a Model X.
The reasons shoppers might opt for an electric vehicle are manifold — environmental concerns, avoiding the hassle (and cost) of the gas station or getting the latest tech features are a few motivating factors. Though still in its infancy, bidirectional charging may soon bring even more benefits for owners and EV infrastructure. This emerging technology aims to put an EV’s battery to work, whether it’s to power a home during an outage or send power back to the grid en masse. Read on to learn what bidirectional charging is, which vehicles offer it today and what the future holds.